Nominating committee
The Nomination Committee of NanoEcho for the 2025 Annual General Meeting consists of:
- Navid Ghannad, appointed by Maxistans AB, representing approximately 10.4 percent of shares and votes (Chair of the Nomination Committee).
- Omid Ghannad, appointed by Cloudo AB, representing approximately 7.95 percent of shares and votes.
- Micael Wikberg, appointed by Gunther Wikberg Holding AB, representing approximately 6.56 percent of shares and votes.
- Daniel Johnsson, Chair of the Board of NanoEcho AB, representing 3.41 percent of shares and votes.
Shareholders wishing to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee should do so in writing by January 31, 2025, via email to or by mail to the company’s postal address.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on May 15, 2025. The Nomination Committee’s proposals will be presented in the notice of the meeting and on the company’s website: