– with high intellectual capital


– with high intellectual capital
Corporate governance

According to the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors of the Company shall have three (3) to eight (8) members with a maximum of two (2) deputies. Board members and deputies are elected by the Annual General Meeting. The Board’s assignment is valid until the next Annual General Meeting. The management and all board members can be reached via the Company’s head office at Scheelevägen 19, 223 63, Lund. The Board’s work is governed by the Swedish Companies Act, the Articles of Association and the rules of procedure produced by the Board.

Articles of association

The articles of association are a set of regulations, which together with legislation, specify the framework for the business. The articles of association for NanoEcho AB (publ), (556951–9845), were approved at an extraordinary general meeting on 19 November 2024.

Article of association for NanoEcho AB (publ.), (in Swedish)


Mellan den 27 januari och 10 februari pågår teckningstiden i NanoEchos företrädesemission!