NanoEcho awarded external innovation grant for market analysis

NanoEcho has been awarded an innovation grant from Vinnova of SEK 99,000 within the scope of business development. The awarded grant is intended to finance a market analysis of potential customer segments.

Vinnova’s innovation support aims to strengthen small and medium-sized companies’ innovation capacity and competitiveness. NanoEcho has been awarded a grant of SEK 99,000 to verify the market strategy for the company. The innovation grant will be used for external support in performing a market analysis of potential customer segments.

“We are extremely happy and grateful that NanoEcho has been awarded this innovation support. The support is of great importance to us as it enables external assistance to perform a thorough market analysis of our future customers” – says Linda Persson, CEO of NanoEcho.

If you have any questions, please contact

Kristina Hallström, CMO & CCO

NanoEcho develops a new technology for clearer diagnostics of, in the first indication, rectal cancer. The imaging technology is based on a new medical approach where nanotechnology is used in combination with modern ultrasound technology. The images that are generated are intended to facilitate differentiation between healthy and diseased tissue and at the same time determine the location of the cancer tissue more precisely. The aim is to provide more precise, simple, and cost-effective diagnosis of cancers and other diseases. With clearer diagnostics, the company wants to assist treating physicians with better guidance for more personalised treatment. Both the quality of life of the patients and their chance of survival can improve after treatment, with reduced treatment costs.

Mellan den 27 januari och 10 februari pågår teckningstiden i NanoEchos företrädesemission!